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Ventura Nationals coming for Labor Day Weekend!

By: Vagabond Inn / 16 Aug 2019
Ventura Nationals coming for Labor Day Weekend!

The Ventura Nationals Rod-Kustom and Motorcycle Show is coming to town! The 17th annual show is happening during labor day weekend (August 31 – September 1st).

Kick off the weekend Friday night in Downtown Ventura at The Majestic Theatre showcasing the artwork of Rob Struven, this year's poster artist. Lost Angels Children's Project will debut the ‘Custom Car Giveaway' 1959 El Camino and will be set up to share more information about LACP. With select vendors, music, drinks, and reserved parking for classic cars they welcome you to Ventura Nationals!

Then join them Saturday at the Ventura Fairgrounds for the 17th annual Ventura Nationals featuring customs, hot rods, choppers & classic motorcycles, vans, lowriders, & vintage trailers. Enjoy the Live Music, Vendors, Displays, Art Show and more. Car & Bike Awards begin at 4pm, followed by the drawing for this year's Lost Angles Children's Project ‘Custom Car Giveaway' 1959 El Camino!

Sunday morning join them on the 8th Annual Reliability Run. Starting with a 9am meet up at Plaza Park in Downtown, they will then cruise along the coast and through the beautiful back roads of Ventura, around Lake Casitas, and down thru Ojai. The cruise ends at Noble Fabrication for the annual 'Endless Summer Gathering'.  They will also be adding a 2nd destination which will be held at the ‘Murphy Auto Museum' in Oxnard hosted by The Daily Driver Project and Fireball Tim. The museum will be open with discounted entry for all participants and plenty of parking for all classic cars. Murphys will be open from 6am starting with ‘Fireball Tims Cars and Coffee' until 3pm.

It's bound to be an exciting, jam-packed weekend. For anyone who wants to go, Vagabond Inn Ventura has you covered. We are ready to give you that clean, comfortable room to rest your head between festival days.

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